Antonio Moro Professor, Universidad de Sevilla
Antonio Moro is Professor at the Department of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics of the University of Seville (Spain). He works in theoretical nuclear physics, with emphasis in the description of the structure and reactions of weakly-bound and exotic nuclei.
He obtained his PhD at the University of Seville (2001). Then, he moved to the Technical University of Lisbon where he worked as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2004, he returned to the University of Seville with a research contract, and in 2010 he became associate professor at this University.
Much of his research work has been performed in close collaboration with experimental groups, participating actively in the interpretation of nuclear reaction data measured at several radioactive beam facilities, such as ISOLDE (CERN), GANIL (France), RIBRAS (Brazil), Notre Dame (USA) and RIBF-RIKEN (Japan). At present, A.M. Moro is member of the INTC committee (ISOLDE/n_TOF) and the B-PAC of the RCNP facility at Osaka University.
Jesús Lubián Associate Professor, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Jesús Lubián is a theoretical nuclear physicist born in Havana Cuba who graduated in Physics at Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (1988) and Ph.D. in Physics at Centro de Estudos Aplicados al Desarrollo Nuclear, Havana Cuba (1995). He has experience in Nuclear Physics working in the Theory of Nuclear Reactions between stable and unstable nuclei at low and intermediate energies. He is now an associate professor at the Instituto de Física of Universidade Federal Fluminense ion Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Miguel Marqués , LPC-Caen
Miguel Marqués made his PhD between GANIL-Caen and IFIC-Valencia on “Bose-Einstein correlations between hard photons produced in heavy-ion collisions”. In 1994 he moved to LPC-Caen to work in a completely different field, the structure of exotic nuclei, and joined the CNRS one year later. Most of his research is focused on the study of correlations and research of new phenomena in very neutron-rich light nuclei. In doing so he has explored the application of original techniques, such as neutron interferometry, proton radiative capture, beta-delayed neutron emission, observation of multi-neutron resonances, or the detection of neutron clusters. Since 2012 most of his experimental activity takes place at RIKEN, and he is presently involved in the extension of the NEBULA multineutron array.
Filomena Nunes FRIB Theory Alliance Managing Director, Michigan State University
Education and Training
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Physics Engineering, 1987/88-1991/92
University of Surrey, PhD in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, 1992/93 1994/95
Research and Professional Experience
Managing Director of FRIB Theory Alliance (2015 - )
Full Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy and NSCL, MSU (2013 - )
Head of Department of Theoretical Nuclear Science at NSCL (2010 – 2016)
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy and NSCL, MSU (2009 – 2013)
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy and NSCL, MSU (2003 – 2009) Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) (1999 – 2004) Associate Professor, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal (1998 – 2003)
Research fellow, CENTRA (Centre for Astrophysics), IST, Portugal (1996 – 1998)
Research fellow, University of Surrey, England (1995 – 1996)
Sandrine Courtin professor, University of Strasbourg
Sandrine Courtin is a professor of Physics at the University of Strasbourg and IPHC CNRS Laboratory in Strasbourg (France). She is a former Fellow of the University of Strasbourg Institute of Advanced Physics. Her current research focusses on nuclear reactions below the Coulomb barrier in systems of Astrophysics interest. She is the spokesperson of the STELLA (Stellar Laboratory) experiment, which is currently installed at the Andromede facility in Orsay. She has been leading experimental projects on nuclear molecules, fusion and transfer reactions at European and North-American facilities.
Alessia Di Pietro Professor, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania
Alessia Di Pietro got her PhD degree at the University of Catania in 1996. After the degree she spent about one year as post-doc at the radioactive beam facility CRC in Louvain la Neuve (Belgium) and then she was research-fellow at the University of Edinburgh (three years from 1997 to 1999). In January 2000 she became permanent research staff of INFN at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania, where, from 2009 she is a senior research scientist. In 2013 she got the national habilitation as full professor for the Italian University system. Her main research field is the study of effects of nuclear structure, in particular of the halo-structure, on the various reaction processes at energies around the Coulomb barrier. Within this research field she has proposed experiments in various laboratories: CRC-Louvain La Neuve, INFN-LNS, Isolde and TRIUMF. She was a member of the INTC committee (Isolde/n-TOF) and at present she is associate editor of the European Physical Journal A.
Cédric Simenel Professor, The Australian National University
Cedric Simenel is professor at the Australian National University (ANU) where he is mostly working on microscopic approaches to nuclear structure and dynamics, with a strong connection to experimental nuclear reaction studies. He did his PhD in GANIL (France) and graduated in 2003. After 10 years at the CEA-Saclay, he joined the ANU in 2013, where he is now Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics, and Deputy Director of the Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics funded by the Australian Research Council.
Chloë Hebborn Visiting Assistant Professor, Michigan State University
Chloë Hebborn started as a FRIB Theory Fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in October 2020, just after she graduated. She began a PhD in October 2016, under the supervision of Pierre Capel at the Universite libre de Bruxelles. She spent the first two years visiting Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz in Germany. Her PhD work focused on improving the eikonal modelization of nuclear reactions involving exotic nuclei.
Peiwei Wen Associate Researcher, China Institute of Atomic Energy
Peiwei Wen earned a Ph.D. degree in 2017 from Beijing Normal University, and then worked as a postdoc at China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Beijing, China. During 2018-2020, he visited Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian. Now he is working as an associate researcher at CIAE focusing on the theoretical study of the multinucleon transfer reaction and fusion reaction.
Andrea Vitturi Honorary professor, University of Padova
Doctor in Physics (summa cum laude) at the University of Padova in 1972.
Post-doc in Padova since 1973. Research associate at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, from 1977 to 1980. Staff member in Padova since 1980. Associate professor in nuclear physics at the University of Trento since 1988 and in Padova since 1991. Full professor in nuclear physics at the University of Padova since 2001. Honorary professor since 2019.
Research periods at ICTP, at the Universities of Munich and Seville, at Oak Ridge Laboratory, at CNEA in Buenos Aires, at ECT* in Trento e INT in Seattle. Visiting professor for the full academic year 2005/2006 at University of Sevilla.
Professeur Invitee' at the University of Paris VI, Orsay, in 2011.
Foreign Researcher at UFF, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, within the SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS PROGRAM, 2014-2016. Visiting professor in Tsukuba, 2017
Former Chairman of the PAC of LNL, former member of the PAC of LNS, presnt member of the PAC of RIKEN. Organizer of workshops and schools, including the ones in Varenna, Erice, ECT*, Padova and Fiera di Primiero.
Author (and co-author) of more than 200 papers on refereed intenational journals.
Wei Liu PhD student, Peking University
Liu Wei is a 5th year PhD student at the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University (PKU).
Shinsuke Nakayama research engineer staff, Nuclear Data Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Shinsuke Nakayama is now a research engineer staff at Nuclear Data Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). He obtained his PhD at Kyushu University in 2015. Since then, he has been working in his current affiliation. He works on the development of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL), which is the database of nuclear reaction cross sections made in Japan. His work extends also to the development of calculation methods employed in the nuclear data evaluation of JENDL.
Nicolas Michel Professor, Institute of Modern Physics (Lanzhou)
1999-2002: Ph.D. in nuclear physics in GANIL (Caen, France) under the direction of Prof. Marek Ploszajczak Title: Description of weakly bound nuclei with the Shell Model Embedded in the Continuum
2003-2006: Research associate in University of Tennessee in Knoxville - ORNL in the group of Prof. Witek Nazarewicz
2006-2008: JSPS Fellowship at Kyoto University (Japan) in the group of Prof. Kenichi Matsuyanagi
2008-2009: Research engineer at CEA-Saclay (France)
2009-2011: Senior researcher at the University of Jyväskylä in the group of Prof. Jacek Dobaczewski
2011-2013: Research associate in University of Tennessee in Knoxville - ORNL in the group of Prof. Witek Nazarewicz
2013: Research associate in Michigan State University (MSU) in the group of Prof. Morten Hjorth-Jensen
2013-2015: Research associate in GANIL in the group of Prof. Marek Ploszajczak
2016-2018: Visiting associate professor in MSU in the group of Prof. Witek Nazarewicz
2019-2023: Professor in nuclear theory in Institute of Modern Physics (Lanzhou) in the group of Prof. Wei Zuo
Kostas Kravvaris Postdoc, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kostas graduated from the National Kapodestrian University of Athens in 2011 with a specialization in Condensed Matter Physics. Earned a Master's Degree in 2014 and a PhD in 2018, both from Florida State University, studying α-clustering in light nuclei. Currently he works at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in the Nuclear Data and Theory Group, working on first-principles reaction theory.
Shin Watanabe Lecturer, National Institute of Technology, Gifu College (Japan)
Shin Watanabe is a lecturer at National Institute of Technology, Gifu College (Japan). He got his Ph.D. at Kyushu University in 2016 and worked for RIKEN Nishina center for a year as a postdoc. His research interest is the dynamics of multi-channel breakup reactions using few-body models such as the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method (CDCC).
Jagjit Singh Research Associate, Osaka University
Jagjit Singh is working as a Research Associate at Research centre for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University, Japan in the group of Prof. K. Ogata and a visiting researcher at Akal University, Punjab, India. He has completed his PhD from the University of Padova, Italy under supervision of Prof. L. Fortunato and Prof. A. Vitturi. He has worked as a Research Associate at Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Roorkee, India in group of Prof. R. Chatterjee for a few months, followed by two and half year postdoctoral fellowship at Nuclear Reaction data center (JCPRG) and Theoretical Nuclear Physics Laboratory (TNPL) at Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan. During his stay at Hokkaido he worked in collaboration with Dr. W. Horiuchi. His major research interests are the theoretical investigation of the structure and reaction studies of the nuclei lying away from the valley of stability using few-body approaches. Recently he is involved in the three-body structure investigation for various Borromean nuclei and three/four-body breakup reaction studies using continuum-discretized coupled-channels method (CDCC). His research interests also include nuclear reaction data compilation and evaluation activity.
Kazuki Yoshida postdoc, Osaka University
I am a postdoctoral researcher at Japan Atomic Energy Agency since Apr. 2018 after obtaining my Ph.D. at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Japan. My research interest is the nucleon and alpha knockout reaction as a probe for the single-particle and cluster aspects of nuclei.
Takashi Nakamura Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Educational History
• 1984-1986, Scinence-I, University of Tokyo
• 1986-1988, Departmenf of Physics, University of Tokyo
• 1988-1990, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science (Master Course), University of Tokyo
• 1990 Master Degree (Univ. of Tokyo)
• 1990-1993, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science (Docter Course), Uni- versity of Tokyo
• 1996 Doctor of Science obtained (Univ. of Tokyo) Thesis: Coulomb Excitation of 11Be Supervisor: Prof.M.Ishihara
• 1993-1995, Special Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN
• 1995-2000, Research Associate, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
• 1998-2000, Visiting Scientist, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michi- gan State University
• 2000-2008, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technol- ogy
• 2008-Present, Professor, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
• FY 2013, Head of Department
• FY 2015, Head of Department
• FY 2018-2019, Member, Educational Research Council
• FY 2021, Head of Department
Natalia Timofeyuk , University of Surrey
I work at the University of Surrey. Previous places of work are Université Libre de Bruxelles and Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan.